Friday, 15 April 2016

Tour de Yorkshire - Advertising

I must admit that Tour de Yorkshire's advertising campaigns have been difficult to track down. The event is on a much smaller scale than Tribeca Film Festival - by this, I mean that this year will only be its second year, and the event doesn't exactly attract A-list celebrities. I have found some promotional materials, but the fact that I can't find lots of solid examples of Tour de Yorkshire promoting themselves through advertisement could mean that they're only advertising locally, or they will maybe increase their efforts closer to the event.

I found 3 clips online relevant to the event - this is the first:
This is a promotional advert for Yorkshire itself. I believe it came out at the time of Tour de France when it started in Yorkshire in 2014, but Tour de Yorkshire have included a link to it on their website. The clip connotes Yorkshire with fun, happiness, love, and family, so it makes sense for Tour de Yorkshire to use it to promote the county their event is being held in.

This is a more educational clip to inform viewers of the route. I included it as an advertisement because I found the clip of Tour de France's YouTube page. This would mean that Tour de Yorkshire is working alongside Tour de France to bring the event to a wider audience. 
This video was uploaded by TV Yorkshire, doing exactly what is says in the title - telling the viewer everything they need to know about the event. The placement of the video on a YouTube channel like TV Yorkshire acts as a promotional slot for the event. In terms of moving image advertising, this is all I can find. With 12 days until the event I thought I'd find more clips and adverts promoting the event. 

Yorkshire has been preparing for the event by painting bikes yellow and placing them around the route the cyclists will be taking. While this isn't a specific advertising campaign by the event planners, the yellow bikes made national news, bringing awareness to the event. Yorkshire's community is coming together to paint the county blue and yellow - the colours of the event. Here you can find children painting bikes, and here you can read about Scarborough train station turning blue and yellow for the event. This is free promotion for the event because the community is doing all the work! The yellow bikes first made an appearance in 2014 when the Tour de France started in Yorkshire, so they've become a tradition now. The bikes and the colours have become a symbol for the event, and I believe that the event should be encouraging this more so that the event itself becomes as popular as Tour de France.

I haven't been able to find any print advertisements for the event. I've got friends in Yorkshire who are on the lookout, but as of yet I've not been able to find anything on the Internet/social media. This is a far cry from Tribeca Film Festival, whose advertising campaigns were all over Instagram and Google Images. I hope to be able to find some form of print advertisement or posters between now and the event, of which I'll post if I come across any. There's obviously a great difference between Tour de Yorkshire and Tribeca Film Festival's advertising techniques, and this may just come down to the fact that Tribeca Film Festival is more well known worldwide than Tour de Yorkshire. However, I do still believe that Tour de Yorkshire is slacking in terms of TV adverts. There's no official advert for the event yet, something I think they should've done by now. Overall, I do think Tribeca Film Festival's advertising attempts have been a bit higher than Tour de Yorkshire's, but they've still got the time to push some advertising before the event!

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